University of Vienna
Methods in Cognitive Biology (Statistics in R Module): 300349
Methods in Cognitive Biology website
I made this website as part of teaching a Methods in Cognitive Biology course. I taught the statistics and programming sections.
Brooklyn College
Applied Linguistics: ENGL 7605X
Course Description: Applications of linguistic theories, methods, and findings to educational and social issues involving language, with a focus on adult second language learning, and college level language teaching and language assessment.
English Composition II: Seminar in Expository Writing: ENGL 1012
Course Description: 3 hours and conference; 3 creditsWriting-intensive seminar focusing on a topic chosen by the instructor.Provides students with an opportunity to explore a particular subject indepth and further develop skills of critical thinking, research techniques,and clear expression necessary for academic writing. Students shouldtake English *1012 [2] directly after completing English 1010 [1]. Topicsinclude: The Fool in Literature; Reading the City; 1960s: Decade ofRevolt; Novels of the Jazz Age; Cross-Cultural Writing and the Arts.Satisfies Pathways Required Core English composition requirement.Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in English 1010 [1] or placement inthe course on the basis of transfer evaluation.
History of the English Language: ENGL 3520
Course Description: Origins of the English language and its development to the present. This course is the same as Linguistics 3027.
Introduction to Linguistics: ENGL 7603X
Course Description: Introduction to phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics. Current problems in linguistic theory and methodology. (Not open to students who have completed English 726X.)
Introduction to Linguistics: LING 2001
Course Description: Nature and structure of human language in relation to other communication systems. Evolution and acquisition of language, dialects and styles, language and culture, speech and writing. Comparison of traditional and recent theories of language. (Not open to students who are enrolled in or have completed Anthropology 2300). STEM variant course - Satisfies Pathways Flexible Core Scientific World requirement.
Practical English Grammar: ENGL 3522
Course Description: Essentials of the structure and nature of the English language. A systematic study of English grammar: the elements and processes of the sound system, the system of grammatical markers, the syntax and the semantic systems of English.
Sociolinguistics: ENGL 3524
Course Description: The study of language as it is used by various social groups. Language and gender, language and culture. Creole languages, Black English, linguistic change. This course is the same as Anthropology 3390 and Linguistics 3029. Starting Fall 2019 qualifies as an Inter-Cultural Competency (ICC) course for Pathways College Option purposes.
Sociolinguistics: LING 3029
Course Description: The study of language as it is used by various social groups. Language and gender, language and culture, Creole languages, black English, linguistic change. This course is the same as Anthropology 3390 and English 3524. Starting Fall 2019 qualifies as an Inter-Cultural Competency (ICC) course for Pathways College Option purposes.